One Day Challenge No Complaining
One Day Challenge – No Complaining
Have you ever counted how many times a day you complain about something, this can be a trivial matter or something more important. Think back over your last 24 hours how many times can you count that you complained about something. Then count up how may of those complaints were made to your husband and how many were about things he had done or not done? Will you accept One Day Challenge No Complaining
Did Complaining Achieve Anything?
Ask yourself did your complaining achieve anything positive and I bet the answer is no not a thing. The fact is complaining probably made things worse. If you were complaining about your husband he will only dig his heals in more and do the opposite. If you complained about something he had done wrong in your eyes, you will have left him feeling as though he is not good enough. Complaining will have added friction to the day, possibly resulting in neither of you speaking.
Today Don’t Complain
Accept the challenge and don’t complain for 24 hours.
It won’t be easy but give it your best effort. At the end of the day
look back and see if your day was better for not complaining.
I bet you and your husband are on excellent speaking terms, he will be happier with not listening to you complaining and the things you would of complained about will seem so trivial now that you will wonder why anyone would waste time complaining about them.