The Benefits Of Discipline In A Submissive Lifestyle
The Benefits Of Discipline In A Submissive Lifestyle
One of the major problems in modern marriages is that there are no longer consequences if you break the rules of the relationship, many relationships have no rules or boundaries, both partners are trying to lead with you both partners trying to steer the marriage in a different direction. Couples do not enjoy the benefits of discipline in a submissive lifestyle.
This way of life does not work couples need to work together, and both be heading in the same direction with the husband leading and the wife supporting her husband.
When these rules are broken or boundaries crossed, then there need to be consequences, and it is up to the husband to discipline his wife. There are many types of discipline, and they do not have to be physical it is up to each couple to discuss what will work best for them.
Once the consequences are agreed on it is the husband’s responsibility to be consistent, so his wife has structure and accountability.
I often get asked why does the husband not get punished when he breaks the rules. This answer to this is a husband who has a submissive wife will not want to lose her respect, trust and submission, he knows the real value of submission he understands what a precious gift this submission is and he will not want to throw such a precious gift away.
Of course, he will make mistakes he is human but do not think he won’t suffer any consequences when he sees the disappointment and hurt on your face. The guilt of letting the woman he loves down will be a painful lesson for him.
The obvious benefit of discipline is that it teaches the wife not to break the rules or cross boundaries or there will be consequences for her actions.
But the is is not the end of the benefits of disciplining the psychological benefits far outweigh any loss of privileges or discomfort.
When discipline is administered there are many emotions anger, fear, dread, disappointment, a wife will often feel this is unfair and her husband will have to be firm and take control of his wife and administer the punishment that has been set.
Once the discipline has been administered feelings will start to change this will be a very emotional time for the wife and husband, each couple will deal with this differently some will need to hold each other while other will need some space for a time. You will learn what is best for your relationship.
But as emotions settle the wife will start to enter what is commonly referred to as SUB SPACE and this is the biggest benefit of all.
For many wives this is what they crave from a submissive lifestyle, when they are in sub space they feel safe, loved, cared for and at peace.
They relax as all the tension melts away and they feel so close to their husband and they have a strong desire to please their husband both in and out of the bedroom, they want to show him how much they love him and how grateful they are that he loves them enough to take care of them.