Give Your Husband What He Needs In The Bedroom
As his wife, it is your place to fulfil his sexual needs.
Question 1:
Do you give him what you know he wants sexually?
Be honest with yourself how often do you give him what you know he wants in the bedroom, how many times do you just hold back, get embarrassed or even downright refuse to allow him that thing you know he wants so much.
Question 2:
Do you leave the bedroom physically and emotionally satisfied?
Or do you think he is selfish in the bedroom, only seeking what he wants and not taking care of your physical needs as a woman, are you left feeling disappointed, frustrated?
Question 3:
Do you want to lose him, your relationship to end or just live this cold life
I bet if you are honest you have answered no to all three questions
We are talking about the man you love, the man who goes out to work to provide a home for you. It is your place as his wife to fulfil his sexual needs, why should he have to suffer not being satisfied, if he can’t get satisfaction from you is it just his fault if he strays.
Why are you holding back, what is the worst he will do, as long as his needs do not physically harm you, his semen won’t poison you, your body will adapt to his size.
Try This:
Willingly give him what he seeks next time you have sex, don’t hold back, have some lubrication to hand, have a drink of soda in easy reach to take away the taste if you find it unpleasant, dress the way he wants. Be the woman he wants.
The result will be:
He is happy but much more than that he will want to please you in more ways than one.
You will leave the bedroom fulfilled for a change, your relationship will be stronger and happier