Tip No: 3 – Christmas Parties
Christmas parties are fun, but they can also be disastrous for your marriage if you are not careful.
If you do not already have a dress code for such occasions, ask your husband how he would like you to dress. If you are attending a works party on your own, you will, of course, want to dress up but remember if your husband is not with you then you should make sure that you are smart but modestly dressed you do not want to encourage unwanted male attention.
If you are attending a party with your husband, he may want you to dress up in a more revealing outfit, ask him what he would like you to wear, the outfit you wear should be for his benefit.
Alcohol the biggest threat of all to relationships at this time of year. Always drink in moderation and never drink excessively, once you are under the influence of alcohol you will lose control of your reasoning and inhibitions.
This can lead to you embarrassing your husband, losing self-respect and often leads to sexual relations with another person. If you can not drink responsibly then, do not drink at all. If your husband does not want you to drink, then listen to him and don’t, he will have good reasons for you not drinking and will only have your best interests at heart.
You do not have to have alcohol to have fun.
Don’t fall into conversations that were other wives are being disrespectful to their husbands it is so easy when the conversation starts flowing to say something that you will later regret.
Home time, if you husband has requested that you return home by a certain time then make sure you do as being late will cause him unnecessary worry if you are going to be unavoidably late let him know the reason why.
The following morning you want to be able to look your husband in the eye and have nothing to feel guilty for.