A Submissive Wife is a full-time job 24 hours a day seven days a week
A Submissive Wife Is A Full-time Job 24 Hours A Day Seven Days A Week
A Submissive Wife should manage her home well, it takes a great deal of skill, and hard work to do it properly, being a Submissive wife is a full-time job 24 hours a day seven days a week with no holidays.
As a wife, you have many roles to fill Childminder, Nurse, Cleaner, Cook, Teacher etc.
Hopefully, your learning on how to be a good wife will of started when you were a child it is the mother’s place to teach her daughters the skills she will need later in life.
Unfortunately, modern life is changing how the families live, and many mothers do not have the time or even want to teach their daughters the skills either because they have to work full-time jobs then come home and start again or that they have modern views on marriage.
There is now lots of pressure on young women not to be “Submissive” in the home; women get told that she should be in charge as well.
The sad fact is that it has never been harder than it is now for a young woman to get married and live a traditional lifestyle where she is the Submissive Wife, and her husband is the Head Of The House.
The thing I find strange about modern times is that women have fought for the have the right to choose how they live, but now women who want to live a traditional married life feel pressured not to and many fear ridicule if they tell their friends.
Modern views are taking away the right to live freely and openly traditional life
Lots of young ladies now face marriage without the necessary skill set to be a good wife and run the home well.
The pressure of being a new wife is hard enough without being poorly preparedĀ and not having the necessary skill sets.
The good news is you can learn the skills you need, remember that when you get married your husband knows that you are not going to be perfect from day one, there will be disasters in the kitchen and times when a takeaway meal is the only option.
To help new and also existing wives I am going to post more practical tips and articles on running the home.
Things like how to budget, how to do meal plans etc.
The skills a young wife must have.
I am also offering one on one mentoring sessions to cover these skills if you would like more information on these and the cost contact me.