Be The Wife He Finds Lovely
Let’s take a moment to recall what it was like when you were dating your husband? What did you look like then? Was your hair short or long?
Did you wear makeup? What kind of clothes did you wear? Think about what
your husband found attractive about you back then. Did you dress to please him?
Did you dress up to go on dates with him?
Many times when dating, women will jump through all sorts of hoops for the guy she is dating or interested in.
But then, once the fish has been caught, the wife begins to waver in her desire to look, dress, or act the
way her husband finds becoming.
Many times, I have actually had women tell me that they don’t care what their husband thinks. One wife said,
“My husband likes long hair, but it’s my hair so I am cutting it.” Another said, “I do what I want. I don’t care what he says.”
Personally, I find the “I don’t care” attitude very confusing! Did you care before you got married to him? If your answer is yes then why did you stop?
Do you still love your husband? If you answered yes again, then why wouldn’t you want
to please him?
I adore my husband and I want him to be attracted to me. If I know he likes things a certain way, I am happy to do those things for him.
I have been asked, “What if he said you had to wear dresses every day?” Hmm, then I would wear dresses! I actually do have a dress code that he prefers and I am happy to accommodate him. By agreeing to submit to my husband, I also agree that I will not try to dictate what I will or won’t submit to.
I submit. Period. I also do it joyfully for the most part. Of course, we all have an off day, and sometimes I’d rather be wearing pants… but in the end, I choose to submit.
And when I do, I feel good about that. I feel like I have accomplished an important goal that’s been set. I’m a submissive wife and I like it.