Don’t Let Money Ruin Your Marriage
Money can be the root of all evil.
Don’t allow money to ruin your marriage,
For many wives, this can be one of the hardest parts of submission giving control of the money you earn to your husband so he can spend it as he wishes. Many women would say that this is a step too far and will not give up the control of their money.
For your marriage to work, you have to trust your husband completely, whether you are giving him your body or your purse it should be done willingly without reservation. If you have good reason not to trust your husband, then you must ask yourself this question “Is he the man for me?”
When you submit to a man and give him your all, you need to be confident that he will take good care of you and that he only has your best interests at heart.
So if you are struggling with giving up control of your money, then you have to ask yourself why.
1: Is it because you earned it so you should spend it
2: You think you can manage it better
3: What is his, is his and what’s mine is mine
4: Money is my independence if the marriage fails
5: My money is for the things I want
Let’s look at these reasons
1: You earn money so you should spend it, wrong you both earn money and all money should be pooled together for your husband to decide on how the family money is spent, he is in control of the budget.
2: You think you can manage it better, he may have a different way of managing money but he is no fool, or you would not have married him in the first place. He knows what bills need paying, and he will pay them. Yes, he may make a few mistakes, but he is only human.
3: What is his is his and what is mine is mine, this attitude is so wrong. In marriage you have come together as one there is no MINE or YOURS there is only OURS.
4: Money is my independence if the marriage fails, with this attitude you are already on a course to fail, you don’t need your independence anymore you gave that away the day you vowed: “I Do”. You are now HIS wife, and that is till death we do part. Divorce should not be an option in your mind
5: My money is for the things I want, this attitude is selfish, you are no a team, and there is no “I” in Team, he will share with you what spare money there is for your personal possessions
The conclusion is there is no good reason why you should not give up control of your income if you want to be a submissive wife be prepared to give everything. If you still struggle then perhaps your husband needs to remind you that he is in charge.