First, agree the rules then agree on the consequences if the rules are broken.
First, agree the rules then agree on the consequences if the rules are broken.
When starting in a Traditional Marriage Lifestyle, you should agree on the rules, don’t feel you should make loads of rules at first and be careful you do not make rules for the sake of making rules. Instead start with one or two rules such as
1: Be respectful at all times to your husband
2: No swearing and cursing
When you have agreed your rules then agree your consequences, be realistic with your consequences, a husband needs to be fair, and the consequences need to be appropriate for the infraction, I would suggest you have a warning first with an explanation then escalate the consequences if the rules continue to be broken.
These rules and consequences must be agreed by both husband and wife
A good husband will always be fair, but consistency is important at all times, even if you come home tired from work you must be the head of your home.