Make the Effort To Make Him Happy & He Will Respond Many Times Over
As the submissive wife, it is important that you remember if you make the effort to make him happy he will respond in kind, but you will have to make the first move. Simple gestures can make all the difference, for example when he comes home from work make him a coffee, get him to sit down and relax in his favourite chair while you remove his shoes while asking him if his day has been a good one. By doing this you rare setting the mood for the rest of the evening, he will feel loved, relaxed and in return, he will also feel the need to please you.
Always be thinking of ways to make him happy, put his happiness first and you will be rewarded many times over.
Wives often make the mistake of thinking that it should be him who should be making her happy but a submissive wife will soon learn that she will get lots more love and attention from making the first move to make him happy.