Tip No: 2 – The Christmas Budget
As your husband is in charge of the family finances if he has not already given you a budget for Christmas then ask him for one. It is important that you know how much you can spend on Christmas so that you can plan how much you have to spend and on what items you are going to buy. Take time to plan you spending as you want to get the best value for the money you have to spend. Just because your husband gives you x amount to spend it does not mean that you have to spend it all, be careful with the money and spend it wisely. If you have any left give it back to your husband do not think that you should keep it for yourself unless he has
It is important that you know how much you can spend on Christmas so that you can plan how much you have to spend and on what items you are going to buy. Take time to plan you spending as you want to get the best value for the money you have to spend. Just because your husband gives you x amount to spend it does not mean that you have to spend it all, be careful with the money and spend it wisely. If you have any left give it back to your husband do not think that you should keep it for yourself unless he has already told you that you may, even then it is respectful to let him know how much you have spent. Keep all the receipts and a record of what you have spent so that if your husband asks how the money was spent you can show him exactly what has bent bought.
Do not exceed your budget, do not spend on credit cards any money that he has not authorised you to spend it on. He is in charge of finances and he will have set budget he has to stick to and any over spending by you will make his life harder band. You don’t want to disappoint him or let yourself down.