When Your Husband Talks To You Look At Him & Not Your Phone
How often are you sat at the table, on the couch and your while husband is talking you continue to look at your phone and not give him the attention and respect that he deserves. The cell phone has changed our lives and the way which we interact with other people but this is not always a good thing.
As a submissive wife you should give your husband 100% of your attention while he is talking to you, while he is speaking nothing else is as important, to carry on looking at your phone is rude and disrespectful, so next time he starts talking put your phone down and give him your full attention. This small change in your behaviour will make a large difference in how he interacts with you in the future, he will no longer feel hee is in a competition for your attention and will not feel the need to raise his voice or become angry with you.